IT people are eternally fond of acronyms. This 1-pager explains SaaS (Software as a service), PaaS (Platform as a service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a service).

Spread Knowledge with 1-Pagers – Agile & Scrum, Product Management, Facilitation, DevOps
IT people are eternally fond of acronyms. This 1-pager explains SaaS (Software as a service), PaaS (Platform as a service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a service).
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Brad Hodson 2013/12/26
The “…as a Service” model has been extremely helpful in moving technology forward and helping companies and individuals everywhere have access to tools, software, and hardware that they never could have before.
There’s some impressive technology coming out, a lot of imaginative startups, and several new companies that have found ways to perfect the product using these delivery models.