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Silence a Room in 5 Seconds

This nameless method can bring the volume in a room from “main train station” to “library” in record time. It’s works much better than shouting over the noise and not being heard.

In Germany we have a more playful variant of this method called “Schweigefuchs” (“Silence fox”). Instead of your open flat hand you form a fox’s head (thumb, middle and ring finger form the snout, index and pinkie fingers are the ears). It’s used in schools and sometimes choirs.

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Content of 1-Pager:

This technique can silence a room full of talking people.
Seeing it in action once is enough to learn to recognize the signal.

Hold up your hand. All those who see the signal have to stop talking and lift their hand as well. This signal spreads very fast even in groups of 100+ people.

Enjoy the silence 🙂

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