Teams work much more effectively when they share a vision of what their product is supposed to become. Alas, this vision is usually implicit and everybody has their own diverging views on what’s important. Especially for digital products. “Design the box” is a fun way to make all different views visible and agree on a shared vision.
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Content of 1-Pager:
Create a shared vision for your product or service in a fun workshop
Works for everything! From “Web Hosting” over “Perfect Hire” to “Delivering Superior Customer Support”!
“You come across your product in a store. What does its box look like? There’s no wrong way to design it.”
Split the group into small teams. Each team designs 1 box. Allow at least 30 minutes for designing. Give examples of what could be on the box:
- Name
- Slogan
- Visuals
- Benefits
- Features
- Use cases
- Trust enhancers
- Customers / Buyers
After designing, the teams pitch their boxes to each other. Note similarities, discuss differences. Put all agreed upon ideas into one shared box. This box could stay in the team room as a visual reminder of their vision.
Get a joint view of what’s important!
You need:
- At least 1h of time
- Blank boxes
Alternative: Drawing of a box – at least front and back side - Pens
- Stickers
- Other fun materials
- Inspiration, such as cereal boxes, …
- Dave Gray on Gamestorming who adapted it from Luke Hohmann’s “Product Box”, described in Innovation Games
- This slide
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